Naomi Stafford – Medium

Naomi Stafford is an incredibly gifted and talented young woman. Born in 1988 in the High desert of California, then spending the majority of her teenage years in the Northern parts of California along the Oregon coastline, she strived through many extreme challenges growing up. Born into a religious household where certain parts of daily life such as holidays and certain events were frowned upon by that religious following, she became forced by nature and compelled by her thirst for seeking out her own personal truth of what beliefs rang true for her. At age 17 she moved to Medford Oregon, where she began the next stage of life as an intuitive, blossoming woman. While residing in the Jackson County area for the next 14 years, she would go through many hardships including many losses and gains, family ties being severed and renewed again, from the enlightened expansion as well as betrayals of her loved ones and friends, she continued to grow in her personal faith and empowerment. Discovering the Lightwork and earthly nature laced within the Wiccan path began to call to her, and resonated in a way that nothing else had before.  And as time went on, she became enveloped within the teachings and practices of Wicca, opening up her intuition and expansion through a multitude of different experiences; sculpted herself into the woman of strong faith she is today. Through her journey of developing an array of abilities such as mediumship,  she has  been increasingly evolving her gifts. Now, she is setting out on the newest journey of her life; spreading her gifts to helping others come to a place freed from trauma and pain, to a place of awakening and remembrance, a depth of relief and understanding, to a universal healing of body, mind and spirit; to a place she knows very well. Through self discovery she has learned how to live to her fullest potential and let go of what hurt her in life. She is qualified and eager to help others find there truth and path away from pain.  

Check out my blog: Growing with Naomi